Part 5 of 6 of Pam Buda's QAL at Heartspun Quilts. She's also previewing her new fabric called Heart of the Prairie. Go take a peek. It's calling meeee. I'm putting my fingers in my ears and I'm not listening!!!.............grin.
This is also my 2012 NewFO Challenge for April
Don't forget to go visit all the Monday linky buttons below.
I know it's unbelievable, but something is actually blooming in our yard! Credit goes to God!
Stickers yes, but pretty flowers.
When we first moved here, we dug up all the cactus. It had stickers, and we had grandkids.
Years ago we thought my Grandma Jessie had something really wrong with her. She had a tumor in her stomach. The doctors operated to see if it was cancer and to remove it. It turned out a cactus thorn imbedded itself in her stomach and tissue grew around it.
After that, she never thought it was very funny when we brought her a Yes we are a strange lot.
Babysitting Lucky! For those that haven't met her yet, she's my Granddog. No sewing today. Lucky requires lots of attention.
It is still Saturday. Mick and I go around singing, "It's Saturday in the Park. I thought it was the 4th of July." He does usually start it on Saturday....grin. That's all of the song we ever remember.
I was sure that Mick told me he bought a yard of this tulle. Yes, ladies he took it and got it cut while I was shopping. After I drew it, I realized I had the tulle doubled in the hoop. Next time I'm turning on the light on my worktable.
Picture 1
Some of my marks are still showing. I guess the purple dried up from having it so long. So I found a blue one called Marks B Gone. This will be a good test to see if the marks really do disappear.
Picture 2
I tried to shade this picture with the editor to help it show up.
I couldn't figure out how to sew this all at once. The outside of the little buds are sewn separately.
Here's the back. If you click on it and make the picture bigger, you can see where I have little knots all over it. Definitely need to take the time to pull the threads through and not go over one spot too much. I'm not sure how good I could do on a big quilt. I did take advantage of the size and turn the fabric around to make it easier to sew.
My stitches seem too small. Guess that means I need to move faster. I'm happy enough for a first try.
It should have been finished, but I went a little crazy and decided to make some cinnamon rolls. What was I thinking! It took me all day and I foolishly tried a new recipe. :( I should know better. The bread part was like a heavy bread....hmmmmm
Big Mick said he could have driven me all the way to Austin for Cinnabons for the price of all the ingredients....giggle. They would have tasted better. Most will go in the trash. I know we aren't suppose to eat them anyway, but I was trying to be sweet.
I'm officially retired from cooking, and if you hear any different bang me on the pan with a frying pan!!
I know I've probably said this before, but this fabric makes me feel like I'm at the Circus....grin. I sure would enjoy some cotton candy right now....yummy.
More dots for NannyGayle.
It's a wonderful day today. The only noise is the sound of birds.
Don't forget to go check out our Linky friends below.
from the Fat Quarter Shop . One more to go, but there is a lot of work in the finishing kit.
They are already taking reservations for Designer Mystery 2012. I'll be skipping this one. My favorite thing about these mysteries is the price, the instructions are great, and I have lots of fabric left over for my stash.
I took a nap yesterday and still slept until 11:44 this morning or almost I didn't even stay up as late as usual. Guess my old bones are getting tired.
It's a good thing Big Mick is such a sweety!
You can sure tell it's Spring in our neighborhood. The snakes are out. I'm keeping my little toostie in the house......grin.
I didn't have enough of the pointed plaid fabric to do the two long strips. Soooo like a good soldier I ordered some more. You can see I cut it straight on the left and right of the 6 1/2 inch strips, but it still came out crooked and the fabric is darker..............hmmmmmm
I will not let this bother me, I willl NOTTTT let this bother me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How sweet is this.....I received the Liebster Blog Award from "My Sister Made Me Do It" . Don't you know she drove her Mom nuts with that excuse.....giggle.
Thank You!!
The Liebster is given to blogs that deserve to be recognized, but have less than 200 followers. And, of course, the Award comes with just a few "rules", which are:
1) Post about your win on your blog.
2) Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
3) Copy and Paste the award to your blog.
4) Present the award to 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.
5) Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. These are my nominations, I hope you all will go check out these cool blogs:
I actually have 1/2 of Block 11 ready, but ran out of a fabric I wanted. DH couldn not understand at all why I needed more of that particular fabric with the huge stash I NOPE I couldn't explain it to his
So I played him this song and bought the fabric anyway.
A year or so ago my Mom was staying with us recovering from a fall. She spotted something moving in the yard. It turned out to be a fox with her pups. We so enjoyed watching these babies play and running up and down the bottom part of the trees and wrestling with each other.
A couple of days ago we saw what we thought was a male fox running through our backyard. Then zooming through the front yard. We are so hoping we have another batch of foxes under our storage house. Papa fox stayed around last time so maybeeeee.
Last years photos.
I called my Mom to tell her about the adventure and she squealed like a little girl.....LOL. It sounded so good to hear her laugh!
Featherweight failure
I'm happy to say the winner of the EPP is Joyce C. Thank you to those who
played along.
I am on another mission. Last year I made lap quilts for the nur...
Week 6 of 2025
This week I finished a pair of socks -
Handspun Merino/Nylon blend. These have been on the needles for a long time
and I am so glad they are finished.
FNwF + Slow Stitching Sunday
Just like that, the weekend is almost over! Sometimes, it feels as though I
wake up, blink a few times and it's time for dinner, without having
achieved al...
Patchwork Magnets Tutorial Video
Happy Saturday friends! Today’s video includes a patchwork magnet tutorial,
Coriander fun find, and a viewer quilt share. Plus we have that new
Backdrop bu...
January Done
*Well, I did a poor job in blogging in January. I think I froze in more
ways than one. We are known for cold Januarys and boy was it. We had
snow ...
A Temperature Quilt Dilemma
I really want to work on a temperature quilt this year! The last one I
completed was back in 2021.
2022 and 2023 are in the beginning stages. I have tri...
New Pattern Release: At The Cove
This year as part of the 2024 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Feestival, I have an
exhibit entited “Quilts And Their Stories” at Mrs Pugsley’s Emporium. One
of th...
card friday
I'd be thrilled if you would like to use my photos. Please link back to
this blog when doing so. All posts and pictures are copyrighted to
More Catch Up
I think Avery liked his garbage truck quilt.This is the view I had almost
daily.Everytime I walked into the house this one crawled or walked to me
and wan...
Donation Quilts
The second quarter of this year has been filled with lots of non-quilty
things. But still, some good finishes occurred.
A box of kid-sized charity...
a little help goes a long way
this is about the help I get I have a presser for my hexies and also a wind
warrior there is no way I will loss any if the wind blows she is my rock
My Little Mommy
My precious mum entered home hospice on February 23, and ended her battle
on March 10th. It was the hardest task, and the biggest blessing, caring
Calendula Harvesting - What to do with it ?
Calendula is a gorgeous little flower. It is great as a companion plant
in the vegetable garden as it helps with pests. I planted some in the
Happy Independence Day!
We are quietly celebrating the 245th anniversary of the U.S.A. I chose a
bouquet with three roses that represent the three branches of our
We have all heard that version of “crap happens” but in a different word!!
Well my world is not exempt from it. A lot has been going on but I am
back. I a...
Bayfield Cottage Kitchen Makeover
"I am excccccessively fond of a cottage." - Jane Austen, Sense and
Here's the photos of our kitchen from the previous owners. These were
BOM 2020: 'Hope' is Launched
'Hope' is an extra special BOM for 2020. It's a heartfelt quilt with a very
special purpose; all monies raised by this BOM will be used to fund my
Making Progress on the Remodel: Renovation Update
Keeping Up Does this give you an idea of why I haven’t been posting? We are
still in the midst of the remodel, we lived with this mess for 5 days. We
Back from the Abyss
It's been difficult to find time and discipline to return to blogging.
My quiet blog in NO way reflects that life has been quiet.
In fact, this has been ...
Scraps Are Never Thrown Away
I use my cut off pieces as Leaders and Enders when I sew and then I
sew them together into fun things like these.
I am always amazed
and just how much I...
Ramping it up this year - More Shows
Well I want to really push myself this year and do as many shows as I can.
So I've entered quite a few and still waiting to hear from several that are
The Thread House patterns have launched
So today we at the The Thread House (Karen Lewis, Jo Avery and I) have
launched our first six quilt patterns which are available to buy from our
shop here....