The Award
Earlier this week,
Linda G from Stray Stitches awarded me and 14 other bloggers with the Versatile Blogger Award . I'm very honored to receive this award.
Thank you Linda!!
There are rules to this award...
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself on the post.
3. Pass the award to fifteen bloggers that you think deserve it.
4. Lastly, contact all of the bloggers that you've picked for the award.
Here are seven things about me...
1. I Love the Lord!
2. I adore my DH and my kids. It's been quite an adventure being in this family.
They always keep me on my toes.
3. Mick and I met in high school when we were 16 and 17.
In January, we will be married 46 years and I still look the same.....NOT!!
4. I'm a hermit and go out very little without Mick unless I'm with my family or my friend Kathy.
Once in a while Carol from Bastrop shames me into leaving the house...giggle.
5. My favorite music is Christian, County, and Rock.....grin...I know that's a strange combo,
but then again I'm pretty strange myself.
4. Bad weather scares me!!
6. I love to draw and watercolor, but am currently consumed by quilting.
7. I'm a colon cancer surviver.....10 years now!! and my Dear Mick
survived brain surgery 6 years ago.
I'm not sure which of our 9 lives we are on right now....lost count but
Praise the Lord! we have more time together.
Now I have to pass this on to 15 other bloggers. This is a hard one, but here we go in no particular order.
There are many, many more wonderful blogs that I love and post on regularly.