Friday, July 31, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage Week 7



Egg Basket


Farm Girl Vintage


Yep.....that's me.  The boot comes up right below my knee.

Picking fabs for the next block....what a mess I've made


Linking with Angie

2015 WIPS Be Gone

Friday, July 10, 2015


Wednesday I was heading to the computer with a full glass of tea.  Yep, you guessed it!  I got my foot caught on the leg of the computer chair and crashed into my desk.  I am heavily padded so was just left with a nasty bruise on my side.

I kept the tea from spilling all over my computer and caught the monitor right before it crashed on the floor.  I knew my poor foot was hurting.  Of course, over the years I've bent these poor toes all the way back before and just limped around for awhile so I didn't get too excited about it.  Just howled like a hurt puppy.

I finally stopped screaming and looked down at my toe and instead of pointing straight out it was pointing at my pinkie toe.  I would share the photo, but it's too gross.  Off we went to the emergency to get it straightened out.  Boy was I shocked when he said I needed to go to a specialist.

Well I saw him today and he was wonderful.  All smiles, good handshake.  I'm thinking this nice man will put my toe back in place.  He gave me two options.  Leave it crooked or get surgery.  Well there you on Tuesday.  He has to put a pin in it to keep it in place because of the strange break.  Looks like 5 to 6 weeks of recovery.

I'm sure when I'm not so mad at myself and the swelling goes down, I'll figure out how to redo my sewing room so I can sew, cut, and iron sitting down....maybe.  Right now I'm just sitting around in my wheel chair doing my share of pouting.

Keep good thoughts for me on Tuesday and hope I'm not in too much pain.  Pain pills make me sick.

From the not so graceful old lady in Texas....giggle.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage Week 6

Corn and Tomatoes


Country Crossroads


Farm Girl Vintage


(Well this song woke me up.  Maybe I'll get out of my PJs today....maybe.


Linking with Angie

2015 WIPS Be Gone

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage Week 5

Churn Dash


Cool Threads


Farm Girl Vintage

Farm Girl Kitty
Farm Girl Lazy Kitty
Farm Girl Lazy Kitty is it Friday yet??


Linking up with

Sew Fresh Quilts

WIPs on Wednesdays