In ancient times in the 70's maybe 80's, everyone used to talk about your biorhythms crossing over the line. In a nut shell, it meant you might as well forget everthing until it finished crossing over the line. Above or below the line was okay. Just watch out when it crossed. I think mine is tuck on the LINE!!.....just sayin'. (NO I don't believe in this stuff...hmmmm)
I can't believe there are even places online to check your biorhythms. The chart definitely showed me in trouble when I tried to stitch in the ditch. My biorhythem was on the line, but my stitching was not....LOLLLLLLLL. Yes I'm definitely over my sewing mess.....maybe....Yes I am over it!
Lynn posted, We are always so hard on ourselves when it comes to quilting. In the grand scheme of things, it is the overall effect that makes the impact....and only you will know where something went a little goofy. I love this Lynn.
This basically applies to my whole life. Yes at 65, I'm still self-critical. I can still see my Dad expecting perfection from the three of us. (To myself) Get over it already Billlie Beth (giggle) Still love you Dad but what were you thinking??
Yes, I'm just now crossing over that biorhythem line OR maybe I'm getting ready to cross over???? (tongue in cheek) Either way today I'm happy and I will NOT rip all that mess out.....I will NOT...I willllllllllll......................................
A Day in the Life: Starting and Growing a Quilting Business
[image: A Quilting Life Studio August 2024]
[image: A Quilting Life Studio August 2024]
Over the past year I’ve had to opportunity to not only teach quilti...
18 hours ago
I feel so critical of myself too...but I have to get over that! I am in the middle of a table topper and my points are off...I don't know why...but they are and I am not re-doing them...after it is quilted and things are on top it will be fine...really it will be! Your quilt is going to be beautiful...I am sure...because it came from your hands!! have a great day!!
It is good to know that I am not the only one....
I LOVE what Lynn said. Listen to her, she's very wise!!! Can't remember her name, but some self-help guru [who was part comedian] said to put all the people in your head, who are on the Judgement Committee, onto a bus and tell the driver to them out of town. Never worked for me, but gave me a chuckle thinking about the looks on their faces when the bus drove off without me.
I am so a part of this club...always harder on myself than anyone else! So today will be a new day...I will not use my seam ripper...but I may need a support grop!
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