I haven't posted in so long, nor have I done much sewing.
I've been busy nursing my poor knee. I had a Total Knee Replacement in August.

The recovery has taken much longer than expected, but I'm finally feeling alive again.
I have three more weeks of rehab. My sweet PT, Mr. Danny, gave me an
My health hasn't been good for many years, mostly my fault. So I'm working really hard to get my balance and walking up to par.
I added on 4 extra therapy sessions.
Danny was shocked that I'm starting to enjoy my exercise. He said he never expected to hear me to say that.
Me either! LOL
I could have done this without Big Mick. He's been a life saver.
Hope all is well with every one.
Oh sorry to hear about that knee problem--it is hard to come back from these things...my hubby is having problems from a stretched ligament in his foot..cortizone shot in his future soon...rest and relax hugs, Julierose
The more active the better you will feel. I have two hips, a knee and an ankle - have to work them daily to keep things working............
So good to hear from you. I had a broken hip in 2015 and know how important therapy and moving is to getting back on one's feet. Sounds like you have a great therapist. That's half the battle there. Big Mick I'm sure has been a great help. Sending prayers for a continual recovery. Hugs from SoCal
Glad you are feeling better and have such great help and support. It always takes much longer to recover than we want. I haven't sewn much, either, for a long time. Getting ready to make a daypack for my granddaughter for Christmas. No quilts or art quilts other than the one I made in honor of Dennis and is now 'touring' with the CHerrywood Bob Ross Challenge. First stop is the big show in Houston!
Yes, my knee replacement hurt worse and took SO much longer to recover than I ever anticipated. I am proof positive that if you keep up with the therapy, your body will thank you for it!
my sis ten years younger than me had her knee replaced and a shoulder this past summer. N ow she is on vacation
Lovely to hear from you Billie. Glad you are doing well 😊 good on you for persevering. Good support makes such a difference. Hugs.
Health issues can be terrible. They keep us from what we enjoy.
You know, when my aunt started PT for one of her surgeries, she loved it so much she kept it up, lol! It's helped her a lot with her other surgeries. Total knees, hip, shoulder....ugh. You can do it Billie, I'm pulling for you!!!!!!!
Yikes, Billie! So sorry to hear that. However, I am glad to hear you are enjoying your exercise and that the rehab is going well. Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can continue to enjoy life.
Sorry to hear it is taking a longer time to recover than you thought. I am still in pain from my sicactic nerve and have not sewed since June but today I just sat down and quilted a place mat and decided I would sew each day no matter what.So keep the up exercise and good luck.
That doesnt sound like fun. Hoping your recovery is fast so you can get back to tasks you want to do. Keep on movin girl. We are all behind cheering you on.
That's the hard way to acquire an exercise program! Glad to know it's finally getting better.
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