Hop over to Patchwork Times and look for the Monday Design Wall to see what others are working on. Then check out What a Hoot! Quilts for the BOMs Away post.
Amy ask us to pick a quilt that we made to link to her Blogger's Quilt Festival. We all know which one I picked. Ive made lots of tops, but I've only quilted a few.
My Grandma Jessie embroidered these blocks many years ago. She passed away in 1983. You can see a closeup of her block on my banner at the top of my blog.
I made them into a quilt for my Mom's 89th birthday It's hard to see, but I did hand quilt it. This was the third quilt I've finished and the only one I've hand quilted. It was fun to learn handquilting and just make up the design as you go.
When Mom was little, Grandma Jessie called her Betsy Bug.
So I decided to name this quilt "Flowers for Betsy Bug."
This is a picture of My Mom's first look at the quilt.
My Aunt Juanita is on the left. Juanita
passed away this year at 94 and is dearly missed.
Mom will be 91 in December.
It's not my best work, but it's my most loved work. I sat on my bed for many months with my legs crossed working on this quilt. By the time I was finished, it seemed like a part of me.
Angie has a new block started on her 'Applique Thursday' at A Quilting Reader's Garden. It's another really cute one from her blog hop. So HOP over there and take a peek. Be sure and post your applique on Mr. Linky. It can be just one you are thinking about....grin.
I was the lucky winner of #3 the Connecting Threads Essential threads. The colors are so bright and yummy!! I'm happily adding these threads to my Essential collection.
Sherri at Little Bits of This & That has posted Step 5. I think all the steps are still there if you want to play. It is going to be a small table topper.
Hey Guys and Gals, I'm appliqueing on Applique Thursday...surprise!
No excuses today.
Hop over to Angie's at A Quilting Reader's Garden and check out her Cherry Tree. It's coming along fine. And don't forget to connect something 'applique' to Angie's Mr. Linky. Dreams of applique count also.
What a night! We attended the Fire Relief Concert last night.....Willie Nelson, George Strait, Lyle Lovett, The Texas Tornadoes, Christopher Cross, The Dixie Checiks, Terri Hendrix, Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Asleep at the Wheel, Randy Rogers, Shawn Colvin.
It started with the Tickets on the floor.
Section 3 (right of center stage), row 9, seats 8 and 9.
With a trip to the Lone Star Lounge....giggle.
Strange fancy foods were free, beer $7.00
Mick had at least 8 giant shrimps stuffed with something beefy
in the middle of the circle of the shrimp.
I'm still excited!
Date Night!
George Strait
Willie Nelson and Lyle Lovett
The Texas Tornadoes with Shawn Sahms son of Doug Sahms.
He dedicated this to Doug and Freddy Fender.
These pictures are from mysanantonio.com and kvue.com
I think over $500,000 was raised from the event. A good time was had by all...especially me!!!
My one and only block from the Wee Village. I made it to be included in a quilt for Margo. I'm not sure if it ever made it into the quilt. I knew absolutely nothing about applique. I think the block is only ironed down....grin.....I'm not sure I knew to sew it in place.
I remember being really nervous!
Almost forgot. Don't forget to go check out Angie's Owl again at A Quilting Readers Garden and post your applique old or new on Mr. Linky.
I'm up and running!!!! Thanks to some lovely man talking in a foreign accent. He was so patience with me.
My diagnoses message said:
Boot Test - Failed
Error Code - BIOHD3
Warning: No active partitions.
It wouldn't reboot in safe mode either.
I found similar problems with this error code online using my very old HP computer with no resolutions offered.
At this point, to me this said my HD was fried. Not so!!!............(I'm still jumping up and down with relief)
I have a HP SimpleSave External Drive in addition to my regular hard drive. For some reason, my computer was trying to boot from the SimpleSave drive. How or why is a mystery to me. After over an hour of conversation maybe two hours and unpluggingssss and repluggingsss and rebootingsss, I was back in business. (Don't you love my homemade jargon...hee hee)
I know better than to lose my hope, but I didn't get to sleep until 3 and had tried everything I knew to try. I guess that's why we have techies.....Thank you Sean with the Indian dialect. You are a sweetheart!
I have just offically freaked out. My new computer has crashed. It stopped recognizing my HD and I'm getting error message BIOHD3. I'm using my old computer right now. I'm suppose to click on F11 when I boot. Does nothing!
I can still get emails on this old computer, but it's very slowwwwww.
It's the cutest thing. Kris sent a note along that she made these rugs for her quilty friends to use at a retreat this weekend. Thanks Kris!
Applique Thursday...NOT
I have tried to do this 'bonus' block two different times now. I found myself just looking at it trying to figure out why I couldn't lay it out. I went and checked out my original pattern and the background size is apparently different. I've decided no bonus block for me. I'll go back to the regular blocks next week.
Hop over to Angie's to see if everyone else did better on their Applique Thursday. She's posted her Owl that she's working on. Soooo cute!
My isn't too well thought out. My Name is Billie Beth and Mom often calls me Billie B. So making it a little more quilty, I named it BillieBees Blog....my adventures in quilting and the patchwork of my life. Quilting is definitely a fun adventure, and the patchwork of my life.....ask God...He's the one sewing me back together. Hope he doesn't run out of thread.....smile.
More Delightfully Yours Quilts
[image: More Delightfully Yours Quilts]
Hello, friends! Today I’m happy to be sharing More Delightfully Yours
Quilts. I’ll be sharing a Delightfully Yours...
Half square triangles
I have always thought Bonnie Hunter is a genius. She can make more quilts
with scraps than anybody else I know.
So what do you do when you find a stack ...
Week 12 of 2025
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Not Quite a Sawtooth Star Quilt Block
In today’s video, I am sharing a tutorial for a Not Quite a Sawtooth Star
block. This is a great block to make if you want to make sure you don’t
lose any ...
FNwF + Slow Stitching Sunday
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achieved al...
January Done
*Well, I did a poor job in blogging in January. I think I froze in more
ways than one. We are known for cold Januarys and boy was it. We had
snow ...
A Temperature Quilt Dilemma
I really want to work on a temperature quilt this year! The last one I
completed was back in 2021.
2022 and 2023 are in the beginning stages. I have tri...
New Pattern Release: At The Cove
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exhibit entited “Quilts And Their Stories” at Mrs Pugsley’s Emporium. One
of th...
card friday
I'd be thrilled if you would like to use my photos. Please link back to
this blog when doing so. All posts and pictures are copyrighted to
More Catch Up
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daily.Everytime I walked into the house this one crawled or walked to me
and wan...
Donation Quilts
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things. But still, some good finishes occurred.
A box of kid-sized charity...
a little help goes a long way
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My Little Mommy
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on March 10th. It was the hardest task, and the biggest blessing, caring
Calendula Harvesting - What to do with it ?
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Happy Independence Day!
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back. I a...
Bayfield Cottage Kitchen Makeover
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BOM 2020: 'Hope' is Launched
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special purpose; all monies raised by this BOM will be used to fund my
Making Progress on the Remodel: Renovation Update
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Back from the Abyss
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My quiet blog in NO way reflects that life has been quiet.
In fact, this has been ...
Scraps Are Never Thrown Away
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I am always amazed
and just how much I...
Ramping it up this year - More Shows
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The Thread House patterns have launched
So today we at the The Thread House (Karen Lewis, Jo Avery and I) have
launched our first six quilt patterns which are available to buy from our
shop here....