Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Starburst Paper Piecing QAL

Block 8a
Block 8b
The colors are not actually this bright.
2013 Starburst Paper Piecing QAL
Starburst Quilt Along
Two more blocks to go!
Another yummy meal from Mick that almost got his Santa on this year.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 Starburst Paper Piecing

Block 7a
Block 7b
I'm backlogged on all my projects, but that's no surprise.
I have 4 more blocks for this QAL.
Starburst Quilt Along
Finally got a picture of  my sweet grand dog Lucky.
She's so sweet and Elly my kitty has been harshing this poor, poor puppy.
Slow Sunday Stitching
stitch by stitch

Friday, December 27, 2013

A Really Cute Win!

This is such a cute kit!
I won this on Nancy's Blog Victorian Mottos Sampler Shoppe
She is always having wonderful giveaways.
Please go and look at all her goodies.
"Motto sampler kits, over dyed floss, Counted cross stich charts and kits, hand dyed ric rac, chenille trim, buttons,and lace trims at affordable prices delivered worldwide."
Thanks so much Nancy.  I love it and Mick says it's just my colors.

Hexie Friday - More Star Flowers

I finished the orange and almost my new blues.
You have seen this little bear before.
But she's sitting...
on one of my new little end tables with a pullout for coffee.
Here's the way I really live....what a mess.
My good bedspread is in the corner of the room.
I pile up on the backrest to do my hand sewing.
You can see my black stocking gansta hat on the right with my cereal bowl for my dry Cheerios.
And of course Elly.
Here's my grand dog Lucky.  She has decided in her older age that she no longer wants her picture taken and is going to hide in her box.
Poor puppy has been overexposed to the camera.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting! We love to go view your eye candy, so link up, please.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

2013 Starburst Paper Piecing QAL

Block 6a
Block 6b
Starburst Quilt Along
Little Bunny Quilts
(Not much sewing time available next week.)
I'm sleeping
Applique Tuesday
Fresh Poppy Design
Sew Cute Tuesday

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ben Franklin Mystery Quilt

Block 17
Ben Franklin Mystery Quilt
The blocks are still available at Erik Homemade
The pattern is very clear and easy and has a tutorial as well.
Everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend.
stitch by stitch

2013 Stash Buster - Block 15

Block 15
2013 Stash Buster
Linda found the original tutorial at Julie's at Intrepid Thread
and of course my helper
Miss Elly

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hexie Friday

Still in my 'orange' mood....:)
Orange for my Star Flower
 These kids are so cute!

Hmmmm....can't get the linky to work so hop over to Angie's at A Quilting Reader's Garden and link up with Hexie Friday.   Well now I think it's working....Good Grief Charlie Brown  :)

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

A little Sewing...............

Block 14
Linda's Quiltmania 2013 Stash Buster
Elly is under my hoop helping me hand quilt my Remembering Annabelle

Can wait until we are both feeling better so Big Mick will cook me some more roast.  His gravy is to die rich.
Linking up with:
Thursday Threads

Monday, December 9, 2013

2013 Starburst PPing QAL

Block 5a

Block 5b
Wow the colors are really the same......hmmmm.
These are from Little Bunny Quilts QAL
I added another bundle of French General to the mix thinking it would work because the reds are exactly the same and each block has some red.  Well all together the two bundles do not look good together.  So what will I do if I sew (sing) out of tune......Maybe I need a little help from my friends.

You can see my problem on My Flickr.  If you have a moment take a look, and give me your thoughts.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Hexie Friday................

Mr. Hexie has turned into Mr. No Show!

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

So Love Star Trek

I'm feeling a little better and have been up and around a little more today.  Got bit by some kind of bug last sewing yet.

Enjoy....Let it Snow!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

2013 Stash Buster QAL


Block 13
2013 Stash Buster QAL is at Linda's Quiltmania
Hop over to Flickr and see all the different versions of these blocks.
My last two blocks didn't come out 12 1/2 unfinished....yikes.
When and if I put these blocks together, I'm going to have to come up with a solution.


stitch by stitch


Friday, November 29, 2013

Hexie Friday

Not a new hexie in sight.

One of my favorite songs from the Texas Tornados.......Miss you Doug and Freddie.
"Little Bit is Better Than Nada"
I'm so far behind in my sewing.  Tooo many QALs....:)


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Thursday, November 28, 2013

2013 Starburst Paper Piecing QAL

Block 4a
Block 4b
Starburst Quilt Along
Little Bunny Quilts
2013 Starburst Paper Piecing QAL
More Cuteness!  Meowwwwwwww
Applique Tuesday
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
WIPs on Wednesdays