Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sew Spooky!!!, 2012 NewFO Challenge, and Applique Thursday

I've been hunting through all my fabrics for some possible oranges and blacks.  I just bought this cute pattern and buttons for my next "Start" and "Applique Thursday" project.  After I received it, I realized that there is also a fabric pack of cute items for the sidewalk and doorways.  Yep.  I had to have that as well.  It should be here in a few days.


Applique Thursdays

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Sampler Society #14 and a Road Runner

Block 18. 

Road Runner

Sorry about the quality of the photo.  I had to take it out the window.  He was really spooky.
Regina was just asking me about Road Runners the other day.
If you click on the picture, you can see a larger version.


Mick's bucket garden

This was several days ago.  We now have too many red tomatoes.  I'll be making Miga's tonight.  That should take care of a lot of the small ones.  Mick has done a wonderful job.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Designer Mystery 2011 and a Win!

Block 12
Time to whip out that finishing kit.  This is where I feel the pressure...Yikes.
I know I'll finish at least the flimsy.

I won these wonderfully bright fabrics from Sew Happy Geek  Go check out her blog.  Jenna also host the Manic Monday Linky Party.  Since I'm Manic most days of the week, I try to link up at least on Monday....grin.

Sew Happy Geek

That's not all.  Jenna also has an Etsy shop called guess what.... Sew Happy Geek
Thank you Jenna!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

To My Twisted Sisters

My friends over at CyberQuilters4-C-Bees yahoo group are working on The Twister quilt as their bucket list project this month.

You gals just twist away!

I ask if they were playing Chubby Checker in the background and Diana posted this.

Wow......where did the years go??

The Sampler Society #14 and Linky Party Tuesday

Block 16

Hop over to Connie's and see what everyone else is doing for the Linky Party Tuesday.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nature has it's Way....

The storm before last did some pruning for us.  It looks like a good tree, but the base was one big hole.  We had it marked to cut down.
Vince of Judy's Patchwork Time blog said these grasshoppers bite.  Yuck!  I didn't touch it.

And are you ready for this???  An actual bloom in my yard.

Friday, May 18, 2012

More Pups!

(Click on the pictures for closeups)

On the first photo if you look to the left, you'll see one more eye looking.  We have seen 2 pups.
Probably won't be any sewing here until after dark.  I'll be running to the window look for the babies...grin.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Applique Thursday and Don't Run with the Scissors!!!

Block 12 Snowbound by Bunny Hill

Applique Thursdays

I'm off the Angie's to check out her Applique.  I took a sneak peek and it's wonderful.  Don't miss it!  Just click on the flower and you'll be there.

We Have Foxes Again!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pocket Patchwork - Busy Work

I finished Part 6 of Pam Buda's QAL on her blog Heartspun Quilts.
It took me longer than I expected because I kept changing the colors on the border.  This is what I ended up with!

Thanks so much Pam for this QAL.  I really enjoyed something I could finish....grin.

Now to quilt it....someday.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

May 2012.

Mick and I enjoyed lunch with Mom.  We ate at her favorite Mexican restaurant today.
She'll be 92 in December.  Looks pretty good doesn't she!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Applique Thursday on Friday

This is one of my favorite applique books by Kay MacKenzie
I just love all of her work, and it came with a CD!!!

I must make time to sew something from this....hmmmm.  That would mean I would be starting something new, and we all know I wouldn't think of doing that.......giggle.

Still on semi-vacation.

Applique Thursdays

Go visit my friend Angie and check out the links for Applique Thursday.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday's Design Wall

Block 0-a

Block 0-b

That's all Folks!

Go see what the real quilters are doing on Monday below....grin.


Boms Away

Sew Happy Geek

Patchwork Times

and on Tuesday

I'm taking some time off to ???? do nothing.

Everyone have a Blessed week!!